
Beira. Someday I’ll come back and make wine here!

Every time I return I revisit that earthy scent, the smell of freshly ploughed earth.  Back in the old days, my grandfather Zé was known as “ganhão” because he was the owner of the only yoke of oxen available in the village. He made a living from ploughing the land of farmers in the Meimão region in Penamacor. As a kid, I used to spend a lot of time in this place.

Despite being a Lisbon-bred kid, I also used to lead the animals in Meimão. As if my grandfather didn’t have everything under control… I remember every smell as if it were yesterday. And I’m sure that somewhere around Meimão lies the true reason as to why I eventually enrolled in Agronomy and decided to become a winemaker. In this region people used to live exclusively off the land. The land would provide us all: cabbages and potatoes, beans and fruit. And wine, of course!

My grandfather used to drink his own harvest and, when the days got warmer, my grandmother would color a cup of sugary fresh water with a dash of red wine for me. My mother didn’t approve any of this, but…

I return whenever I can. Part of what I am is still here. But someday I’ll have to come back for good. To truly return. I owe it to this land. Some day I’ll come back and make wine here…